14. heinäkuuta 2013

Do you have the courage to follow your heart?

chances to move mountains are few and far between
but only unseen by those who choose them to be
live every day like it's your last chance to be heard and seen
because the good die young and the great change the course of history

stop blending in and start speaking out
you'll never know what you can do if you don't try now
lift up your eyes discouraged one
keep moving forward until your battles have been won

they say you were created to do great things
but words only come to life when you believe
stop blending in, start speaking out
don't miss your opportunity

do you have the courage to follow your heart?
your life could be over before you ever had a chance to start

take what you can get while you can get it
and don't let anybody stand in your way
if you've got what it takes, make them believe it
they need to hear you from a mile away

they say you were created to do great things
but words only come to life when you believe
stop blending in, start speaking out
don't miss your opportunity

lift up your eyes discouraged one
when you feel like giving up
when they say it can't be done
it's up to you to show them why they're wrong

what you do is up to you
follow your heart and you will never lose
they say you were created to do great things
but words only come to life when you believe

you were created to do great things
but words only come to life when you believe
stop blending in, start speaking out
don't miss your opportunity

reach for the sky
nothing's impossible when you realize the strength is inside
embrace the struggle when it's all you can see
words only come to life when you believe

Blogger ei taas tiedä, mitä elämältään haluaa. Voisin tappaa tämän typerän palvelimen ellei se muuten olisi niin mukava. Mutta kun tämä heittää HTML-kooditkin täysin päin persettä ja tunkee aivan mahdottomia rakoja joka ikisen asian väliin ja... Tämän kanssa minulla menee hermot. Mutta tällaisia postauksia on kiva tehdä, tosin niitä on varmasti tylsä "lukea" mutta en aina jaksa tarinoida koska tuntuu, ettei niitäkään postauksia jakseta lukea sen paremmin. Mainittakoon, etten osaa kuvata rehuja ja kun kerrankin kuvasin niin sitten Gimp tuhosi niiden laadun. Mutta Av se kuvasi taas varsin mukavia bokeheja (miten se taipuu?) ja liikekuvia! Ja tämä biisi, en normaalisti kuuntele tällaista mutta nyt kuuntelen ja kolahtaa niin että sattuu ja samoiten muut samaisen levyn kappaleet. 

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